Welcome Parents
Greetings Fashion Families from your Principal Daryl Blank,
People say that it takes a village to raise a child - the village at the High School of Fashion Industries is very strong with dedicated staff members, supportive parents and community support through the Advisory Board. The key statistics of the school - Progress Report grades, Graduation Rates and College Readiness - show the impressive results of this collaboration.
The reason behind this amazing success is the dual focus on academics and our career and technical majors that include Fashion Design, Graphics & Illustration, Fashion Merchandising Management and Visual Merchandising.
Our learning community strives to provide a well-rounded balanced approach by providing academic support and addressing the cultural, and social needs of this diverse community. Our chief priority is to provide opportunities that will foster growth, develop leadership, and interpersonal skills. Through the appropriate implementation of academic, college and career readiness, and social-emotional support, it is our goal to nurture personal and academic behaviors that will promote lasting success.
Did you know that the High School of Fashion Industries:
Has a 90% graduation rate with nearly all of our graduates moving onto college
Dedicated to students learning the business of fashion so they are College and Career Ready
Has an Advisory Board of fashion industry professionals from companies Swarovski, Kleinfeld Bridal, Citizen, Saks Fifth Avenue, Barneys, The International Center of Photography, and Adidas that raise money for the school and individual student scholarships, provide work-based internships and support the school's curriculum
I am thrilled to embark on this journey with you and my door is always open.
Family Announcements
Volunteer Opportunities
With so many events happening within our school we want you to be involved!
Check back here or within our School Calendar to see our events that need Volunteers!
For more details and If you're interested Please Email:
Danielle Silva- AP of Admissions and Parent Engagement
Email: Dsilva@hsfi.us or Dsilva3@schools.nyc.gov
+1(212)255-1235 ext. 1251
June Arcamay- AP of Climate & Culture, and Student Activities(COSA)
Email: jarcamay@schools.nyc.gov
+1(212)255-1235 EXT. 8194