Deadline Portfolios must be submitted by 5pm (EST) on Friday, April 28, 2023.
Eligibility :
Graduating, college-bound seniors from New York City public high schools, including charter schools, are eligible to apply.
Application Materials
I. Biographical Statement
Provide a brief statement (200 word limit) as a PDF describing one of the works in your submitted portfolio, your process, or any major influences to your artistic practice.
II. Portfolio submission
Each student must submit 8 images of individual, original artworks. All artworks must be represented by photographs and may include 2-D or 3-D media. **Images must conform to the following guidelines: • Files must be named as follows: Lastname_Firstname_Artwork#.jpg The Artwork number indicates the order in which you prefer to have the slide viewed. For example, Joe Smith’s second image would be titled: Smith_Joe_2.jpg. Do NOT put a zero before the number (e.g. Smith_Joe_02.jpg) • Please double check that your image descriptions match the correct file • All images must be formatted as .jpg or .png (no TIFFs) • The maximum file size for each image is 2 MB.
III. Image Descriptions
For each of your submitted images, please provide the following: • Title • Date • Medium • Dimensions in inches (height x width x depth)
IV. Sketchbook submission (optional)
Sketchbooks are encouraged and may be represented by short video (a simple video of you slowly showing certain pages of your sketchbook is fine).
Judging Criteria
Portfolios are reviewed by art teachers, art supervisors, and representatives from professional art schools and museums. Student portfolios are judged based on their cohesion. We are interested in seeing what you have to communicate as an artist. An in-depth exploration of technique, medium, as well as subject matter should be evident.
If you have any questions, please email Julie PhamVu at